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Project information

MeBeSafe (Measures for Behaving Safely in Traffic) is a € 7.1 million research project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. 

The project started on the 1st of May 2017 and will run for 42 months. The research and implementation will be conducted within the MeBeSafe project work packages.

Expected impact

Reduction of fatal, serious and minor accidents through measures that mitigate unsafe road traffic user behaviour patterns

Economic savings linked to the reduction of accidents

Safer use of vehicles and increased awareness of other road traffic users

Effective coaching schemes based on reliable behavioural models

Integration of new types of vehicles

EU Project data

MeBeSafe Grant Agreement No.


Measures for Behaving Safely in Traffic

Project title




Project start date

Project end date


42 months

Duration of the project

Call (part) identifier

H2020-MG-2016-Two-Stages Topic MG-3.5-2016 Behavioural aspects for safer transport

Human Factors in Transport, Vulnerable Road Users, Industrial design (product design, ergonomics, Human-Machine Interfaces, etc.)​

EC Keywords

Other related projects and initiatives

The MeBeSafe project will build on prior work and intend to explore opportunities for collaboration with the following projects and initiatives (among others). Our consortium partners are also directly involved with these other projects/initiatives:

First large-scale European naturalistic driving study monitoring the behaviour of drivers (cars, trucks, powered two-wheelers) in an unobtrusive way. We aim to use the results of the project to better understand how the behaviour of specific users leads to specific outcomes.

Large-scale field test of intelligent vehicle systems. We will use their findings on the effectiveness of current ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) feedback measures.

Improvement of the effectiveness of in-vehicle safety systems to protect VRUs. We will use the results to gain a better understanding on causes of accidents involving VRUs and measures to mitigate them.

Development of a behavioural model describing the interaction between the driver and vehicle (including ADAS).

Assessment of the socio-economic benefits of ADAS. We plan to use the project results, mainly regarding system acceptance by the user.

Large-scale project aiming to advance the technical performance of automated driving systems for cars and trucks. It will collect data on sensors, maps and communication, as well as user acceptance of in-vehicle automated systems.

Project aimed at moving novice driver training from lower-level instruction (“how to operate a vehicle and negotiate traffic”) to a higher-level coaching approach (“how to behave when participating in traffic”).

Project aiming to gain a better understanding on the causes of accidents involving Vulnerable Road Users, VRUs (pedestrians, cyclists and Powered Two-Wheeler riders). Knowledge will be transferred to MeBeSafe on how to develop the chain of “sequence of events” that lead to a road accident.

Project aimed at developing and building an urban delivery vehicle. One aspect was driver ergonomics.

Project aimed at development of testing and evaluation methods for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based safety systems, in which driver behaviour was an important aspect.

Project aimed at testing the viability of automated driving as a safe and efficient means of transportation.

Support action for dissemination of performance testing methods for ICT-based safety functions in road vehicles, discussing interaction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and driver behaviour.